6 Fitness & Mindset Tips For A Successful Bootcamp

6 Fitness & Mindset Tips For A Successful Bootcamp

Military basic training varies from branch to branch, but the aim of what is commonly called bootcamp is the same: to start your transition from civilian to member of the armed services.   Bootcamp...
Dopamine Fasting – Why and How to Detox Your Brain

Dopamine Fasting – Why and How to Detox Your Brain

Fasting typically involves abstinence from food. People fast for various reasons, including weight loss, religion, and detoxification. Some authorities also believe that nutritional fasting can slo...
5 Exercises To Increase Your Core Stability

5 Exercises To Increase Your Core Stability

Your core is arguably the most important group of muscles in the human body. Sure, strong legs are an athletic essential, and who doesn’t want bigger, more muscular arms? But a weak core makes achi...
Time Under Tension (TUT) Explained

Time Under Tension (TUT) Explained

Your body adapts to the type of training you do. This is called the SAID principle, which is short for Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. In simple terms, SAID means you are fit for what you ...
Discovery Through Discomfort – What Tough Workouts Can Teach You

Discovery Through Discomfort – What Tough Workouts Can Teach You

There is no denying the physical benefits of intense, regular exercise. Pushing your body to the limit week after week and month after month will strip fat, build muscle, and develop unstoppable en...
Eight Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting the Gym

Eight Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting the Gym

I’m a big fan of the Terminator movies and find the whole concept of time travel fascinating. I mean, who WOULDN’T want to go back to the past and tell themselves what mistakes to avoid and opportu...
dumbbell training to include in workouts
Weight Training

Benefits of Dumbbell Training (Why You Need Dumbbell Workouts)

Step foot into any commercial gym and you'll see them. Depending on their age, you'll see rows and rows of grey, black, or rubber matte - maybe a little rust color to add character. The untrained e...
mobility during an active recovery week

Benefits of an Active Recovery Week: Better Performance and Gains

Are you feeling run down and sore? Are you struggling to make gains in the gym? If so, it might be time for a rest week. When it comes to exercise, many people think that more is always better. Thi...
military member sleeping to prepare for training

A Guide to Get Enough Sleep for Optimal Weight Training Results

If you're serious about weight training, then you know that sleep is just as important as the time you spend in the gym. A lack of sleep can actually hinder your results and make it difficult for y...