Workout for Monday, July 27th

For today’s session the focus is on strength/muscle building. You will need two moderate weight kettlebells or dumbbells and a pull-up bar.

Begin with the warm-up and take it easy here focusing on good form for the reps and getting the blood flowing. Rest 1 minute before beginning the first phase of the workout. Once you have completed the first phase, rest 1 minute before beginning the second phase.

There are notes throughout this workout so make sure you really read through. Your whole body will be sore after this one!

WARM-UP: 3 Rounds
3x Pull-ups
8x Walking Lunges, total
2x Double Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Shoulder Presses
3x Double Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Front Squats

PHASE ONE: 3 Rounds
5x Double Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Shoulder Presses
4x Pull-ups (weighted if possible)

Rest 1 minute between rounds

Note: If you can add weight to the pullups then do that. If not, choose a variation that is challenging for 4 reps. For example, if normal pull-ups are easy, try L-sit pull-ups...etc

PHASE TWO: 4 Rounds
8x Walking Lunges, total (w/ Kettlebells (or Dumbbells) in the racked position)
2x Renegade Rows**

Rest 1 minute between rounds

Note: The racked position is the top/front of your shoulders.

**Renegade Rows: A renegade row is done on the handles of the kettlebells or dumbbells. One rep = pushup →  single-arm row left arm →  pushup →  single arm row right arm. So here, 2 renegade rows = 2 complete cycles through the above sequence.

10x Double Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Romanian Deadlifts
10x Double Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Front Squats
10x Hanging Knee Raises

Rest 1 minute between rounds