
"I came here to compete in this challenge since I felt lost and had no direction after getting out of the military. I was going to the gym to just work out and it wasn’t with a purpose. After receiving a job offer to become a Firefighter/EMT I knew it was time to kick it into high gear and get prepared. I have made tremendous gains in the gym and cardio. Not only seeing a benefit in the gym but also even mental health."
— Jesse, Operation BMF Challenge
"Gained: 20lbs Push-ups increased: 30-75.
After my accident last year I dropped to 113lbs from laying in a bed for months. I found your challenge during my recovery. I knew this would be a great way to keep myself motivated and push my limits. My legs saw the most significant size increase. My endurance has increased 10x and I pushed beyond every limitation I thought I had!"
— Chance, Operation BMF Challenge

"Lost 19lbs. Waist size Before 42, waist size After 34. The program was incredibly well-balanced. I have been actively working out for years and have done a variety of programs, this one was the most comprehensive. I loved that the program incorporated a lot of traditional lifts (squats, bench press, shoulder press etc), as well as some exercises that I had never done before"
— Shannon, Operation BMF Challenge
"I noticed a clear increase in my strength and endurance over the eight weeks. I put on approximately ten pounds in the first four weeks to add muscle mass before cutting back to my starting weight. The challenge helped me have something to keep me motivated and working toward a healthier future. I am now almost two months sober and very excited about sharing my results. It was a way to motivate myself and to help motivate my wife to push herself physically and mentally."
— Brian, Operation BMF Challenge

"Start weight 267 pounds, now 241 pounds. I am also a HTK convert for life. I have had pro trainers in the past, and this program got me the best results OF MY LIFE. Thanks guys, I appreciate everything you have done for me by making this program available. Going after it with furious passion was up to me, and I think the results speak for themselves!"
— Trever, Operation HTK Challenge
"This program kicked my butt, but I loved it! I have so much energy! Not only do I feel more athletic, but I'm now inspired to start rucking much more. This program made lifting fun again after I'd been in a bit of a rut since November.
Thank you to the HTK team, and I'm glad to be a part of the discord and family!"
— Aaron, Operation HTK Challenge

"Would like to just say thank you for putting this together. I have enjoyed it thoroughly. I missed my goal weight which was 20lb lost but darn close. Will continue to make progress it has helped kick start great things and helped with my back injury that I am still recovering from. Thank you all very much. Keep up the good work. So grateful to be apart of it."
— Michael, Aggressive Shred Challenge (2021)
"Weight went from 90.7kg (200lb) to 85.8kg (189lb). Performance-wise feel good, training for a half marathon has been going well.
My running splits for distances around 10km have improved from about 5.30mins/km to 5.00mins/km."
— Matt P, Aggressive Shred

"5 years ago I was 200lbs (first pic). Saw that number and went on a healthy diet to never be that weight again. Now I'm on week 10 of tactical monster. Sitting at 200 lbs again (last pic). I was sitting at ~190 lbs second pic and that was after the first workout of tactical monster. Just want to say thank you 🤝 Feeling like a monster"
— Bradley, Tactical Monster
our members transformations
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To share your own results and journey with me and the rest of the HTK Team head to this PAGE HERE and fill out the form. You can submit your results and tell the story of why you stand with us at Hard To Kill Fitness.