Stairmaster Pyramid

Stairmaster Pyramid

Work your way up the levels then back down, work hard and don’t give up!! This is 15 minutes total. WORKOUT: -Level 6-7 x 3 mins-Level 8-9 x 2 mins-Level 10-11 x 2 mins-Level 12-13 x 1 min-Level 10...
Assault Bike Intervals

Assault Bike Intervals

Warm-up for 3-5 minutes on the assault bike before starting. You should be giving it absolutely everything during your work time then peddling slowly during the rest period. WORKOUT: 12 ROUNDS -20 ...
Convict Condition

Convict Condition

After warming up, rest for 1 minute then set the timer for 12 minutes and perform as many rounds as possible. Don't give up!! WORKOUT: Warm-up:-Jumping jacks x 2 minsWork: 12 minutes AMRAP-Diamond ...
8 minute Abs

8 minute Abs

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 30 second rest. Complete the circuit twice. WORKOUT: 2 ROUNDS -Reverse Crunches-Russian twists-Butterfly sit ups-Flutterkicks
Rowing Intervals

Rowing Intervals

Perform the following intervals with 1 minute of rest between each interval. Aim to row at a high intensity during each work period. WORKOUT: Warm-up:Row x 2 minutes (easy pace) Work:-Row 250 mete...
10 min Jump Rope

10 min Jump Rope

Perform the following circuit for 1 round. Each exercise is done for 1 minute, with minimal rest between exercises. WORKOUT: Warm-up:-Jump rope x 1 minute (easy)Work:-Jump Rope x 1 minute (steady ...
HIIT the Track

HIIT the Track

Perform the following intervals with 1 minute of rest between each interval. Aim to run at a high intensity during each work period. WORKOUT: Warm-up:-Jog x 800mWork:200 meters sprint-1 minute rest...
Assault bike metcon

Assault bike metcon

Perform the following circuit for 3 rounds. Aim to complete each round as quickly as possible, taking minimal rest between exercises. Rest for 1 minute between rounds. WORKOUT: Warm-up:-Assault Bik...
7 minute Abs

7 minute Abs

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Complete the circuit once. WORKOUT: -Crunches-Bicycle Crunches-Plank-Leg Raises-Russian Twists-Reverse Crunches-Plank with Should...