Workout for Friday 15th June
We're getting you battle ready. Try this quick challenge over the weekend and record your stats!
For this session, all you will need is a Pull-up bar and a couple of kettlebells or dumbbells. If you have the option, get outside for today's session. Work your way from 20 reps of each exercise, down to 5 and then all the way back up to 15.
NOTE: You must complete all of the reps before you move to the next exercise even if you have to stop and rest. For example;
'For 20 Pull-ups, if you fail at 10 rest, and then carry on until you have done all 20, before you move onto 20 Push-press.'
20-15-10-5-10-15 For time.
DB/KB Push-press (35-53lb each hand)
4-Count Flutter Kicks